Sumatran e-Dempo Samsat is an electronic network service organized by the South Sumatra Samsat Advisory Team for online annual payment and ratification of Vehicle Taxes, SWDKLLJ, and PNBP STNK Endorsement which can be done through a mobile service application.
Administrative / legal area for implementing the scope of Sumatran e-Dempo Samsat service that can be accessed by all Samsat in the South Sumatra Province.
Every completed registration process will get a Pay Code that is used for payments through the banking E-Channel service (ATM) that has worked together in payment services. The banks that work together include the Regional Development Bank (BPD) of the South Sumatra Babel Bank.
For taxpayers who have received the payment code from the application, they can make payments directly through the ATM. To make a payment, you can use your own ATM card or someone else's ATM.
The payment code is valid for a maximum of 2 hours. If the payment code has not been made, the payment code is no longer valid. If the applicant will still make a payment, he must re-register.
Proof of payment is valid for a maximum of 1 month and must be exchanged with the original SKPD and the registration of the vehicle registration is carried out. If it exceeds 1 month, it can still be exchanged with the original SKPD and the registration of the vehicle registration is done. But the proof of payment that exceeds 1 month does not have the operational legitimacy of Ranmor on the street.